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Paving the Path to Success

LinkedIn AI "Top of the Funnel
Lead Generation Automation

How would your business change if your top of the funnel lead generation was automated and creating sales conversations while you are closing and fulfilling new business?

The choice between follow up or new lead generation, the great debate...

One of the biggest challenges for sales teams whether a single individual or 25...

Every professional sales person and sales manager's challenge, "how do I keep the pipeline full when I have to follow up, close the business I have, and the dozens of other tasks on my to-do list each day?"

Image by ThisisEngineering RAEng
In a Meeting

We all have suffered with this issue and we all know the consequences of the up and down pipeline.  Work hard to fill the pipeline, then work those leads and follow up, then try to fill the now empty pipeline, and repeat and repeat and repeat.

But, what if it didn't have to be like this?

Working with Laptop

A new way to succeed!

How We Solve This Issue

Our LinkedIn automated lead generation uses a number of tools such as connection request sequences, Inmail, event marketing, data mining follow by email marketing, and instead of being restricted my the limitations of a single account, we literally duplicate the efforts by utilizing AI bots to do the work of starting those much need conversations!  In essence our bots do the top of the funnel work by targeting the individuals you are trying to reach and starting conversation.  They never get tired, they are never discouraged, and more importantly they create opportunities while you or your sales team are focused on closing and fulfilling business!


Then we utilize AI Landbots to  help refine and book appointments!  See an example below: 

Believe It, Pursue It

Benefits Of Our Linkedin Automated leads Generation

Simply put, our automation creates opportunities. 


1. Automatically creates conversations through multi touch automation

2. Targeted lists based on your needs

3. Continuous effort, only focus is to lead generate

4. Creates consistency with your pipeline

5.  Easy testing of multiple messages

6.  Easily test and target new verticals

7.  Enables sales teams to close more business and maintain excitement and momentum

8. fantastic recruiting tool for sales

9. Scalable quickly

High-Quality Automated Linkedin Leads 

Image by Greg Bulla

LinkedIn is 277% more effective at generating leads than other platforms!  Fantastic stat for Linkedin, but it only helps if you can take advantage of that fact!

Our platform empowers you to utilize all of the power and connectivity of Linkedin to reach almost anyone.  We do this while at the same time personalizing your outreach with your messaging.  


When potential clients agree to a meeting they know who they are meeting, why they are meeting, and what they hope to gain from the meeting!  All a professional sale person needs to close deals! 


These leads are generated consistently, which we all know is the secret to success in sales, consistent and persistent!  Offer a great product to enough people and make all the sales you need!


Let's Generate Leads For Your Business Linkedin That Will Convert To Sales.

Schedule a call today to talk about your business's needs and let us customize a package that works for both your budget and your goals! 

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